Monday, January 31, 2011

January 2011 in Review

I should have just included this in yesterdays weekly recap, but the end of the month sneaked in on me.  January was a month full of a lot of snow.  There were no days where it snowed a lot, just a lot of days that produced a few inches here and there; ultimately, running was never hard to come by.  I never really planned on starting the year running as much as I have, it just kind of fell into place.  The majority of these miles have been spent on trails, grass, and gravel roads.  Very few of these miles are on hard surfaces.

Total Miles in January:  551 
Total Time in January:  69:46:07

551 miles is the most I have ran in one month.  During January, I also ran and won my first 50k.  The added relief of not doing highly intense workouts has left my legs open for some longer runs.  I must add that most of my running is slower now too, mostly due to the increase in mileage and the added difficulty on routes/terrain.

February looks to be a month of no racing.  I am fine with that.  I have a hard time justifying traveling more than a couple hours to race a 50k, because I can simply drive out to the forest and put together a sweet 31 mile loop that provides the same benefits.  Anything above that distance I am more willing to travel to race.  31 miles is a lot easier to run solo than 50 miles.  Leading into the end of February and the beginning of March, I should be ready to rock out a good 50 miler down in Texas!



  1. Michael,

    Impressive month. . . certainly more miles than I've done in a month; especially January. I'm glad you're heading down to Nueces. Looks like you'll have some good competition and I think you'll be ready to shine!

    Keep it up!


  2. Awesome month indeed! I'm looking at tickets to San Antonio and wanted to see if you wanted to split a rental car.

    Keep up the awesome running man.
