Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jan. 10 - Jan. 16

Monday 1/10
AM:  5 miles (36:50).  Portsmouth  
PM:  11 miles (1:20:00).  Shawnee State Forest
Drove out to Forest after classes for the day.  Good to be back for the semester.   

Tuesday 1/11
AM:  13.5 miles (1:40:07).  Brush Creek
PM:  7.5 miles (1:00:55).  Brush Creek
This day was a bit strange.  A dog came out of the woods about 5 minutes into my first run and followed me the entire run and back to the house.  Then on the second run, she followed me again.

Wednesday 1/12
AM:  8 miles (1:00:44).  Portsmouth
PM:  12 miles (1:28:17).  Portsmouth
Decided to run in Portsmouth with the 4 o'clock practice.  Most of this run was with Jeremy Anderson.

Thursday 1/13
AM:  5 miles (37:00).  Crabtree-Cemetery
Ran from the house before I headed to Athens for the GRE.
PM:  11 miles (1:28:11).  Strouds Run
After I took the GRE, I headed to Strouds Run for a half-light, half-dark run.  

Friday 1/14
AM:  4 miles (29:33).  Crabtree
PM:  11 miles (1:15:00).  Marietta
I drove one of the vans to the Marietta Indoor Meet.  I just ran with anyone I could as they were warming up and cooling down throughout the night.

Saturday 1/15
AM:  13 miles (1:47:27).  Crabtree-Cemetery
Ran to the Fire Tower, back to the house, around the trails, and back towards the Fire Tower and back.
PM:  4 miles (31:23).  House Trails 

Sunday 1/16
AM:  18 miles (2:08:50).  Scioto Trails
Met Keegan at Scioto Trails and did the loop that he did back in the summer.  We kept a good pace on all the service roads, probably sub 7:00.  The trail sections were not entirely slow either.  This was a great run.

Total Miles:  123
Total Time:  15:18:17

This was a good week, the first week of the Spring semester.  I have semi-sorted out where and when I will be running throughout the week and I like the amount of times I have scheduled for the trails.  This will be the first time I could literally run on grass/trails every run of the week if I wanted to.  Although my plantar fascia muscle has been nagging me this week, I am overall in good health.  I have felt this type of strain before and it will surely go away within the next few days.  It actually did not hurt today on the run.  I also ran a little faster on a few of these runs this week, which means I recovered well after the 50k.  Looking forward to another good week of pure mileage.


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