Monday 8/23
AM: 6 miles (46:00). Nice morning jaunt up to the Fire Tower. I am starting to like this Monday morning solo run. Nice way to start a week of school and hard running.
PM: 11 miles (1:09:00). 6 of these miles were the warm up and cool down from the workout (did it in my FiveFingers). We did 4 x 2000 out at the course. This week I was smart enough to where spikes. I have to "keep up with the Jones'."
1. 6:11 : 1:30 jog, 2:07 rest
2. 6:11 : 1:30 jog, 2:14 rest
3. 6:08 : 1:30 jog, 2:27 rest
4. 6:10 : DONE
I couldn't be more happy with my times for this workout. It was a small mental barrier since last year at this workout I finished with a 7:12 for my last one. Keegan and I finished side by side on literally all 4 intervals and laid down a 66 last 400, give or take a second or two. Considering I have had no speed work since April, I am confident in my finish still.
Tuesday 8/24
AM: 6 miles (44:00). Morning run with the team. I added on one extra.
PM: 12 miles (1:27:30). Around town with the team. I headed in early to get 4 miles on the grass floodwall + 2 barefoot miles on the turf. I would like to keep this Tuesday evening run as grassy as possible since it is the most mentally challenging run for me all week!
Wednesday 8/25
PM: 16.5 (2:07:20). Mid week long run at Great Seal. Trails on Wednesday satisfy me more than anything. Met Keegan with Reece, Schroeder, and Jeremy. I added on a good 27 minutes after everyone else stopped. Got some Jerry's Pizza after.
*In the midst of this run, I hit the 12,000 mile mark of my career in running. I have logged since Jan. 1st, 2007.
Thursday 8/26
PM: 12 miles (1:25:00). Once again, utilized the grass in town as much as possible. Tried my hand at the Turf field again, only to be kicked off by security. Then, after my run, the two security guards, the AD, and I had a long-winded discussion on why I should/shouldn't be on the field. The field will be open for use sometime this upcoming week.
PM: 2.5 miles (18:00). After a hefty meal, laid the fork down and ran a little. I just wanted to even out my miles for the week. I'm obsessed.
Friday 8/27
PM: 12 miles (1:20:00). Hangover 5K Time Trail. Always love the chance to run fast out at Hangover. I got a lead halfway up the first hill and no one caught up to me. I didn't get a miles split but Eric and Blake said I was at 5:42, 7 seconds slower than last year. But, I went through the 2 mile at 11:08, 12 seconds faster than last year and ended up at 17:30, 15 seconds last year. That is also the unofficial.... official 5K record at Hangover. The team did very well also. On the way back we did 3 x 3 min. hard and 1 x 2 min. hard. I started from behind everyone and worked my way to the front on these. Feels good to run fast up and down hills.
Saturday 8/28
AM: 13 miles (1:35:00). I was able to get on the trails out in Brush Creek. They cleared them since the last time I was out there. I don't have to worry about getting Oak Bugs all over me now. After the run, I enjoyed two hours of swimming, stretching, and eating.
PM: 2 miles (15:00). Nice little run to get all loose.
Sunday 8/29
AM: 18 miles (2:18:00). Started at Hobey Hollow, right on the gravel road, down Silver Arrow BT, on road #6, on the Connector Trail to Conleys Run, out by the Horsecamp, up the hill on Silver Arrow, right on the gravel road, left on the Main Trail, and right onto Hobey Hollow to finish.
It was nice to get on my home turf, the Shawnee State Forest Trails. There is nothing like these things. Beautiful trails!
Total Miles: 111
Total Time: 13:25:30
So, the week was successful. I had two great workouts, 4 x 2K and Hangover 5K Time Trial w/ minute runs. Even tough these workouts deal with a bunch of strength, I was able to find a little speed at the end of some intervals, which I was happy about.
Next week is our first race of the season (collegiate race). We are going to the Dayton Flyer 5K, and I am really looking forward to being there. Cross Country race preparation is a lot different than track preparation. I actually have a course to study (unlike the oval track) and I actually care who is in the race. Not that I care who is better and who I can beat, but I like to have an idea of who I will be competing against. I am going to the line with the same intentions as everyone else.
I will leave you with a parting picture that shows just how great life is:
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