Sunday, November 1, 2009

Not Much New

The past few days it seems like I am sick, getting sick, or maybe getting over sickness. My throat has been a little sore and my nose runs a lot. Also, my muscles seem a little week and sluggish. But that could be from running hard workouts. Whatever it is, I want it to go away! Vitamins, fish oil, sleep, water, and eating healthy are all going to be at its max this week (a lot of green tea to be downed as well!). Not that I don't do all of those things, it is just more important right now. I never like getting sick and rarely do. But when I am, it is fun trying to defeat sickness. That is a great way to stay positive. Anyways, I think I will be over it pretty soon because I feel better than I did yesterday.

I finished up a good week of training today. Ran 13 miles back in Meigs County before I drove back to Portsmouth. That gave me 75 miles for the week, plus an awesome workout on Tuesday, and a decent 2 mile time trial on Friday. Ready for Saturday, our conference meet!

Lately I have been planning out some stuff I will be doing after the season is over. The Saturday after Nationals I plan on doing the Brandi Thomas 5k. It is a nice Foundation race in memory of Brandi who ran track and cross country at Meigs; she died in a car accident four or five years ago and now this race raises money for a scholarship in her name. The race is only 5 minutes from my house and it is nice to meet up with some locals. I also plan on running the John Bryan 10 mile trail race on December 5th. Reece just brought this to my attention today actually and it would be nice to go run this. I probably won't race it but use it as a nice training run. A race I have been planning for a year now is the Kent State indoor meet, on December 11th. This is the track my 5k PR is on and I think I can run another nice PR again. The race I am looking forward to the most is on January 2nd, the Tsali Frosty Foot Fest 30k Trail Race. This is down in North Carolina and Reece and Shane plan on coming along. Wysocki might come as well and anyone interested is welcome!


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